Is this the Ides of March? Or just the end of it? Is it going out like a lamb? I seem to remember doing multiple craft projects in school based around the whole “In like a Lion, out like a Lamb” thing. Paper bag Lions and Lambs that you could use as a puppet to annoy (or confuse) your parents. It seemed like such an important thing at the time. Like it was going to be useful in Adult Life somehow… but I was a young child in the early 80s. It’s not like there was the internet around. I’m kind of amazed that the teachers in my very small and remote country school had all of those tricks up their sleeves to keep us busy.

What does any of this have to do with today’s posted Levi’s World page? Not a thing.

UNLESS you factor in that this book is essentially an autobiography. So anything I say about my life as a kid is relevant. Ha ha.

(I’m gonna talk about some of the ideas that I had for Mikie Beople’s “backstory” in a couple of pages. I still have several pages of story notes that I wrote back then. Maybe you’ll find it interesting, maybe not.)