This week’s page has a sword in it… Mostly because I’m a fan of Stan Sakai’s Usagi Yojimbo, and Sergio Aragones’ Groo books. (I’ve included links, but if you’re reading this, you probably already know all about them.) I’ve always kind of wanted to do a book or story where swords were involved/used, and after all these years, I still never quite got to that. I do have a certain script here that has that sort of thing, just waiting for me… but now I’m just rambling… Give a dog a bone…

Also, I realize I tracked down translations for the foreign language quotes that Glen has said since I’ve been posting these, but have ignored the Doat Speak. This is partially due to laziness on my part, and partially because original readers of these issues only got the translation chart if they bought the extremely rare Collected Levi’s World book that came out from Comics Library International. In the spirit of that, I’ll probably only post that chart after all the pages have been posted here. HOWEVER, I also plan to post every story that wasn’t included in that giant 200 page print version that also includes these characters, and there’s practically another entire issue’s worth of that Bonus Material. So, perks? Yeah. There will be perks to checking stuff out on here. 🙂