And just like that, we’re back in Levi’s World proper. Although I’d always imagined Esaesid (the dimension where Adlai lives) as being part of Levi’s World, just a pocket-kinda dimension. Levi’s World itself had regions too. We saw C3 City, and there’s a character on this page saying that this is Iggl. The area where Xavier first came to Levi’s World is O-Coco. Levi’s World itself isn’t called that name by most of the inhabitants. The Spacefleas, who came to the planet from space, call it E-9.

Does any of this matter, or have impact on the story? No, of course not. It’s just silliness that’s part of the background, much like the assortment of creatures that populate the panels to make it look nice.

And all of the creatures are there mostly because I couldn’t draw backgrounds at the time. Hahaa

Now you know!