Oh man, I felt like a “real writer” here. Mentioning the giant mermaid that Mikie and Xavier come across earlier in the issue, and use of the word, “Gleple”.

That was yet another part of the story-line I had planned for the “Prequel” book/story with Mikie. Everything Guy was going to have a large part in that also. Essentially, all of the Beoples that came from their home-world wind up being imprisoned, and altered into characters called “Gleples”. (That name/character idea came from a series of drawings a friend and I did back in High School where he’d draw the Gleples and all of the horrible things they’d do to the Beoples.) I guess Mikie was going to have been changed also, and eventually saved by Everything Guy…

Maybe? Who knows. I could go into about 50 different things I did NOT do. I’m trying to stay focused here on what I DID do.

(Also use of the name “Elmer” was a reference to a dog my parents had at the time this was drawn. Again, how much does anyone want to know about this type of thing? I know it’s not “important”. Should I just shut up and post the pages? I don’t know.)