This little poem was written by my Grandmother, Velma Krause. She and my Grandfather were the ones who owned the dairy farm I grew up on, and worked at until I was 19 or so. I think she just told it to me one morning when I showed up to milk the cows. I don’t think it was even written down until I made a note of it. She said it was in her head when she got up that morning. I don’t remember her actually reading my books, but she thought enough of them to contribute this (and she made me a custom, one of a kind Xavier doll! I don’t have a photo because he fell behind my bookshelves, and I’m too lazy to take down 300 books to retrieve him right now.), so that was really cool of her.

I’m going to do two posts this week, since these seem “weak” as far as content goes. Hope you’re all doing well.