And technically a tomato is a fruit, but I wouldn’t top a cheesecake with it.
I’m titling with my stomach today. Hungry now.
Well, today marks the three year anniversary of the last time we posted a Baujahr strip, and I’m feeling more than a little nostalgic for the little bugger (as well as for Jeff, and even Vyra, who I was just getting to know). My hope is that we get back to it at some point, but, as you might know, all the comics on this site land pretty much completely on the shoulders of Levi (with Scott Hall doing exchanges over on SHaLK), and that’s a lot for one guy to take on. And I, like many others, would love to see new Baujahr, SHaLK, Spells, Levi’s World, Strobe, and maybe even some more stuff (and Levi’s sketch stuff over on his Blong).
But that’s not realistic. And we all need our breaks. Heck, I do two podcasts a week, and occasionally feel scrambled when I’m ask to guest on another one. It’s easy to get overwhelmed.
So I just want to let you guys know, as soon as we can make it work, we want to bring you guys more new stuff. And it’ll hopefully be sooner rather than (much) later. But we also want to do it right. That means not just getting a couple strips out over a month and then not being able to post again for another six. We would like to get a schedule, at least for chapters or storylines. Breaks need to happen from time to time, but as long as we can plan for them, we’ll feel better about making the promise of a story and keeping to it. I should’ve given Levi more of a break between finishing off the first story for Baujahr before jumping almost directly into Middle Ground. I wasn’t working at that time and it was easier for me than it was for him. And it gets really easy to steal someone else’s time away from them if they let you, and Levi is a very giving soul.
But that’s it. Some day. It’s as much as I can promise you guys, or even myself, as a fan and as a guy who likes writing this stuff. Some day. It’ll have to do.