Sorry this is a day or so late. Visited my Folks yesterday, and since they still live in the house I grew up in, it was a visit to the birthing grounds of this comic we’re slowly posting here. I didn’t draw any actual comic pages in that house, but all the ideas were started there. This page doesn’t look like it scanned very well. That’d be MY fault too. Sorry.

The paintings on the walls behind our Adventurous Duo are supposed to be scenes of various historical significance of Mikie’s species, the Beoples. The one is a depiction of their planet from space (with the actual HALF of a moon that factors into them coming into Levi’s World in the first place), and some battle that was won, and the one with the boat and the beach was supposed to be of his species’ first adventure on Levi’s World. Their planet was mostly all water, hence them being frog-type beings that were super fond of boats and water in general. The Tord creatures were the dominant creatures of the planet until the Beoples evolved into land dwelling beings…

How far down this rabbit hole do you want me to go here? As a “creator” (that could be debated lately) I have entire histories written or filed inside my head for all of this… instead of something useful like understanding electrical wiring or whatever…